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Showing posts with the label smart speed gates and turnstiles

Smart Speed Gates and Turnstiles: Revolutionizing Access Control in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, and Across the UAE

  Introduction Effective security systems for access control are essential to warrant security and control the flow of traffic in diverse situations be it in the bustling cities of Dubai, Abu Dhabi or across the UAE. Intelligent speed gate and turnstiles equipped with the latest technology, such as facial recognition panels   have been at the forefront of the technological advancements, providing safe and seamless solutions that can be used for a wide range of purposes. Making Innovation a priority with smart Speed Gate Turnstiles 1. Advanced Access Control Systems The Smart Speed Gate turnstile s combine strong physical barriers and state-of-the-art security systems to control the movements of persons with precision and effectiveness. Turnstiles grant diverse options for authentication such as the use of key cards as well as PIN codes and biometric scanning, which ensures security while preventing the entry of anyone who is not authorized. 2. Innovative Face Recognition Panels

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